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Sample adp File in RDI Format


read.oce(system.file("extdata", "adp_rdi.000", package = "oce"))
#> adp object, from file "/private/var/folders/8b/l4h64m1j22v5pb7vj049ff140000gn/T/RtmppDzBdr/temp_libpath30bb3204837d/oce/extdata/adp_rdi.000", with data slot containing:
#>    distance[1:84]: 2.23, 2.73, ..., 43.23, 43.73
#>    time[1:9]: 2008-06-25 10:00:00, 2008-06-25 10:00:10, ..., 2008-06-25 10:01:10, 2008-06-25 10:01:20
#>    pressure[1:9]: -0.244, -0.224, ..., -0.238, -0.266
#>    temperature[1:9]: 12.06, 12.06, ..., 12.10, 12.11
#>    salinity[1:9]: 35, 35, ..., 35, 35
#>    depth[1:9]: 0, 0, ..., 0, 0
#>    soundSpeed[1:9]: 1497, 1497, ..., 1497, 1497
#>    heading[1:9]: 278.14, 277.31, ..., 277.47, 276.98
#>    pitch[1:9]: 1.4212, 1.2412, ..., 1.1610, 1.1209
#>    roll[1:9]: -2.39, -2.49, ..., -2.38, -2.35
#>    headingStd[1:9]: 1, 0, ..., 0, 1
#>    pitchStd[1:9]: 0.2, 0.1, ..., 0.1, 0.1
#>    rollStd[1:9]: 0.1, 0.0, ..., 0.1, 0.1
#>    pressureStd[1:9]:  76, 100, ..., 97, 87
#>    xmitCurrent[1:9]: 61, 61, ..., 61, 61
#>    xmitVoltage[1:9]: 155, 155, ..., 155, 155
#>    ambientTemp[1:9]: 103, 103, ..., 103, 103
#>    pressurePlus[1:9]: 77, 77, ..., 77, 77
#>    pressureMinus[1:9]: 76, 77, ..., 77, 77
#>    attitudeTemp[1:9]: 101, 101, ..., 101, 101
#>    attitude[1:9]: 130, 130, ..., 130, 130
#>    contaminationSensor[1:9]: 159, 159, ..., 159, 159