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Sample ctd File in .cnv Format


read.oce(system.file("extdata", "d201211_0011.cnv.gz", package = "oce"))
#> ctd object, from file "/private/var/folders/8b/l4h64m1j22v5pb7vj049ff140000gn/T/RtmppDzBdr/temp_libpath30bb3204837d/oce/extdata/d201211_0011.cnv.gz", with data slot containing:
#>    scan[1:78]: 10569, 10673, ..., 15306, 17116
#>    pressure[1:78]: 1, 2, ..., 77, 78
#>    depth[1:78]: 0.99, 1.98, ..., 76.200, 77.189
#>    temperature[1:78]: -0.0155,  0.0005, ..., 1.3833, 1.2639
#>    temperature2[1:78]: -0.0104,  0.0004, ..., 1.3624, 1.2667
#>    conductivity[1:78]: 21.490, 21.526, ..., 27.499, 27.433
#>    conductivity2[1:78]: 21.492, 21.537, ..., 27.488, 27.437
#>    oxygenRaw[1:78]: 2.5958, 2.6078, ..., 2.9210, 2.9245
#>    beamTransmission[1:78]: 86.142, 85.844, ..., 68.275, 68.242
#>    v1[1:78]: 4.2040, 4.1896, ..., 3.3438, 3.3422
#>    fluorescence[1:78]: 0.1562, 0.1640, ..., 0.2869, 0.2883
#>    v0[1:78]: 0.2842, 0.2989, ..., 0.5309, 0.5335
#>    fluorescence2[1:78]: 3.1228, 3.2319, ..., 4.3922, 4.4032
#>    v4[1:78]: 0.1974, 0.2019, ..., 0.2493, 0.2497
#>    upoly[1:78]: 0.2782, 0.2976, ..., 0.2920, 0.2724
#>    PAR[1:78]: 10.430,  8.809, ..., 1e-12, 1e-12
#>    spar[1:78]: -9, -9, ..., -9, -9
#>    altimeter[1:78]: 88.04, 87.61, ..., 10.99, 10.02
#>    oxygen[1:78]: 8.8168, 8.8604, ..., 9.2459, 9.2883
#>    salinity[1:78]: 25.164, 25.196, ..., 31.477, 31.514
#>    salinity2[1:78]: 25.162, 25.210, ..., 31.485, 31.516
#>    theta[1:78]: -0.0155,  0.0005, ..., 1.3801, 1.2607
#>    sigmaTheta[1:78]: 20.174, 20.200, ..., 25.191, 25.228
#>    soundSpeed[1:78]: 1436.0, 1436.1, ..., 1452.0, 1451.5
#>    nbin[1:78]: 74, 37, ..., 124, 225
#>    flag[1:78]: 222, 222, ..., 222, 222