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Sample ctd File in .cnv Format


read.oce(system.file("extdata", "ctd.cnv.gz", package = "oce"))
#> Warning: startTime (1903-10-15 11:38:38) is < 1950, suggesting a turn-of-the-century problem in this cnv file
#> Warning: this CNV file has temperature in the IPTS-68 scale, and this is stored in object, but note  that [["temperature"]] and the sw* functions convert the numbers to ITS-90 values
#> ctd object, from file "/private/var/folders/8b/l4h64m1j22v5pb7vj049ff140000gn/T/RtmpELeqFt/temp_libpathb0b62f0216c6/oce/extdata/ctd.cnv.gz", with data slot containing:
#>    scan[1:181]: 130, 131, ..., 309, 310
#>    timeS[1:181]: 129, 130, ..., 308, 309
#>    pressure[1:181]: 1.480, 1.671, ..., 43.903, 44.141
#>    depth[1:181]: 1.468, 1.657, ..., 43.542, 43.778
#>    temperature[1:181]: 14.225, 14.230, ..., 2.9190, 2.9194
#>    salinity[1:181]: 29.921, 29.921, ..., 31.395, 31.393
#>    flag[1:181]: 0, 0, ..., 0, 0