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Cycle 219 of the Argo float with ID 4902337, holding delayed-mode hydrographic data acquired in July 2021, over the continental slope, approximately 650km east of Halifax, Nova Scotia, and 300km south of St. Pierre and Miquelon (near the south coast of Newfoundland). This file is used in the documentation for argo2ctd().


argo <- read.argo(system.file("extdata", "", package = "oce"))
#> Argo Summary
#> ------------
#> * Source:              "/private/var/folders/8b/l4h64m1j22v5pb7vj049ff140000gn/T/RtmphGWLmC/temp_libpath8ac731ca74ce/oce/extdata/"
#> * ID:                  "4902337"
#> * Feature type:        "trajectoryProfile"
#> * Profiles:            2 delayed; 0 adjusted; 0 realtime
#> * Time:                2021-06-22 01:04:372021-06-22 01:04:37
#> * Data Overview
#>                                           Min.   Mean     Max.    Dim.    NAs OriginalName         
#>     latitude [°N]                         44.255 44.255   44.255  2       0   "LATITUDE"           
#>     longitude [°E]                        -55.52 -55.52   -55.52  2       0   "LONGITUDE"          
#>     pressure [dbar]                       0.64   268.9    992.16  "501x2" 42  "PRES"               
#>     pressureAdjusted [dbar]               0.64   268.9    992.16  "501x2" 42  "PRES_ADJUSTED"      
#>     pressureAdjustedError [dbar]          2.4    2.4      2.4     "501x2" 42  "PRES_ADJUSTED_ERROR"
#>     temperature [°C, ITS-90]              1.615  6.5574   11.698  "501x2" 42  "TEMP"               
#>     temperatureAdjusted [°C, ITS-90]      1.615  6.5574   11.698  "501x2" 42  "TEMP_ADJUSTED"      
#>     temperatureAdjustedError [°C, ITS-90] 0.002  0.002    0.002   "501x2" 42  "TEMP_ADJUSTED_ERROR"
#>     salinity [PSS-78]                     31.812 33.484   35.145  "501x2" 42  "PSAL"               
#>     salinityAdjusted [PSS-78]             31.812 33.484   35.147  "501x2" 42  "PSAL_ADJUSTED"      
#>     salinityAdjustedError [PSS-78]        0.01   0.010607 0.04946 "501x2" 42  "PSAL_ADJUSTED_ERROR"
#> * Data-quality Flag Scheme
#>     name    "argo"
#>     mapping list(not_assessed=0, passed_all_tests=1, probably_good=2, probably_bad=3, bad=4, changed=5, not_used_6=6, not_used_7=7, estimated=8, missing=9)
#>     default c(0, 3, 4, 9)
#> * Data-quality Flags
#>     pressure:            "1" 960
#>     pressureAdjusted:    "1" 960
#>     temperature:         "1" 960
#>     temperatureAdjusted: "1" 960
#>     salinity:            "1" 960
#>     salinityAdjusted:    "1" 960
#> * Processing Log
#>     - 2025-01-20 15:02:30 UTC: `create 'argo' object`
#>     - 2025-01-20 15:02:30 UTC: `initializeFlagScheme(object, name="argo", mapping=list(not_assessed=0,passed_all_tests=1,probably_good=2,probably_bad=3,bad=4,changed=5,not_used_6=6,not_used_7=7,estimated=8,missing=9)), default=c(0,3,4,9))`
#>     - 2025-01-20 15:02:30 UTC: `read.argo(file="/private/var/folders/8b/l4h64m1j22v5pb7vj049ff140000gn/T/RtmphGWLmC/temp_libpath8ac731ca74ce/oce/extdata/")`