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This holds data from ARGO 6900388 in the North Atlantic.


The netcdf file used by read.argo() to create this argo object was downloaded using FTP to on 2020 June 24.


Below is the official citation (note that this DOI has web links for downloads):

Argo (2017). Argo float data and metadata from Global Data Assembly Centre (Argo GDAC) - Snapshot of Argo GDAC of July, 8st 2017. SEANOE. DOI:10.17882/42182#50865


#> Argo Summary
#> ------------
#> * Source:              "/Users/kelley/git/oce/create_data/argo/"
#> * ID:                  "6900388"
#> * Feature type:        "trajectoryProfile"
#> * Profiles:            210 delayed; 0 adjusted; 13 realtime
#> * Time: 2005-10-29 13:57:42 to 2011-11-27 17:58:39 (223 samples, mean increment 10.00075 day)
#> * Data Overview
#>                                             Min.    Mean    Max.   Dim. NAs        OriginalName
#>     latitude [°N]                         48.743  56.715  64.335    223   0            LATITUDE
#>     longitude [°E]                        -60.52 -37.077 -21.385    223   0           LONGITUDE
#>     pressure [dbar]                          3.5  521.31  6534.6 56x223 106                PRES
#>     pressureAdjusted [dbar]                  3.6  520.34  1778.9 56x223 874       PRES_ADJUSTED
#>     pressureAdjustedError [dbar]             2.4     2.4     2.4 56x223 874 PRES_ADJUSTED_ERROR
#>     salinity [PSS-78]                          0  34.911  47.899 56x223 106                PSAL
#>     salinityAdjusted [PSS-78]              32.85  34.935  35.842 56x223 840       PSAL_ADJUSTED
#>     salinityAdjustedError [PSS-78]          0.01    0.01    0.01 56x223 840 PSAL_ADJUSTED_ERROR
#>     temperature [°C, ITS-90]              -1.564  6.1216  55.997 56x223 106                TEMP
#>     temperatureAdjusted [°C, ITS-90]      -1.564  6.0916  14.914 56x223 837       TEMP_ADJUSTED
#>     temperatureAdjustedError [°C, ITS-90]  0.002   0.002   0.002 56x223 837 TEMP_ADJUSTED_ERROR
#> * Data-quality Flag Scheme
#>     name    "argo"
#>     mapping list(not_assessed=0, passed_all_tests=1, probably_good=2, probably_bad=3, bad=4, changed=5, not_used_6=6, not_used_7=7, estimated=8, missing=9)
#>     default c(0, 3, 4, 9)
#> * Data-quality Flags
#>     pressure:            "1" 12327, "4" 55
#>     pressureAdjusted:    "2" 11614
#>     salinity:            "1" 12348, "4" 34
#>     salinityAdjusted:    "2" 11648
#>     temperature:         "1" 12362, "4" 20
#>     temperatureAdjusted: "2" 11651
#> * Processing Log
#>     - 2022-04-11 15:55:43 UTC: `create 'argo' object`
#>     - 2022-04-11 15:55:43 UTC: `initializeFlagScheme(object, name="argo", mapping=list(not_assessed=0,passed_all_tests=1,probably_good=2,probably_bad=3,bad=4,changed=5,not_used_6=6,not_used_7=7,estimated=8,missing=9)), default=c(0,3,4,9))`
#>     - 2022-04-11 15:55:44 UTC: `read.argo(file="/Users/kelley/git/oce/create_data/argo/")`
plot(argo, which = "trajectory")