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This is sample lobo dataset obtained in the Northwest Arm of Halifax by Satlantic.


The data were downloaded from a web interface at Satlantic LOBO web server and then read with read.lobo().

See also


Dan Kelley


#> Lobo Summary
#> ------------
#> * source: "/Users/kelley/src/oce/create_data/lobo/lobo.dat"
#> * Time: 2009-03-01 to 2009-04-01 23:00:00 (768 samples, mean increment 1 hour)
#> * Data Overview
#>                                  Min.     Mean Max. Dim. NAs
#>     u [m/s]                        NA       NA   NA  768 768
#>     v [m/s]                        NA       NA   NA  768 768
#>     salinity [PSS-78]           13.61   29.208 30.8  768   0
#>     temperature [°C, ITS-90]    -0.72    1.691 4.55  768   0
#>     airtemperature [°C, ITS-90] -10.4 -0.20573 11.8  768   0
#>     pressure [dbar]                NA       NA   NA  768 768
#>     nitrate [μM]                  0.3   6.7108 38.5  768   0
#>     fluorescence [μg/l]          0.32   1.2463 4.83  768   0
#> * Processing Log
#>     - 2016-01-10 15:34:18 UTC: `create 'lobo' object`
#>     - 2016-01-10 15:34:18 UTC: `read.lobo(file = "lobo.dat")`
#>     - 2016-01-10 15:34:19 UTC: `subset.lobo(x, subset=start <= time & time <= end)`
#>     - 2016-01-10 15:34:19 UTC: `subset.lobo(x, subset=!`
#> Warning: no good pressures, so setting all to 0.0 dbar