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The result of using on a current meter file holding measurements made with an Interocean S4 device. See for some general cautionary notes on reading such files. Note that the salinities in this sample dataset are known to be incorrect, perhaps owing to a lack of calibration of an old instrument that had not been used in a long time.




#> Cm summary
#> ----------
#> * File source:   "/Users/kelley/Dropbox/data/archive/sleiwex/2008/moorings/m11/cm/interocean_0811786/manufacturer/"
#> * Instr. type:   (2Hz)S4
#> * Serial Num.:   8111786
#> * Version:       2.399
#> * North:         magnetic
#> * Time: 2008-06-26 to 2008-06-26 23:59:00 (1440 samples, mean increment 1 min)
#> * Data Overview
#>                                 Min.      Mean   Max. Dim.  NAs OriginalName
#>     Sample..                     842    1561.5   2281 1440    0     Sample #
#>     Date                          NA        NA     NA 1440    0         Date
#>     Time                          NA        NA     NA 1440    0         Time
#>     dec.S                          0         0      0 1440    0        dec S
#>     v [m/s]                   -0.862 -0.088736   0.74 1440    0       Vnorth
#>     u [m/s]                   -0.478   0.02761  0.654 1440    0        Veast
#>     Speed                       1.44    53.569  98.29 1440    0        Speed
#>     Dir                            7    126.99  352.1 1440    0          Dir
#>     Vref                          NA        NA     NA 1440 1440         Vref
#>     Hx                          -210   -31.052    177 1440    0           Hx
#>     Hy                          -212  -0.58889    211 1440    0           Hy
#>     conductivity [mS/cm]        36.8    36.924   37.2 1440    0         Cond
#>     temperature [°C, ITS-90]   1.204    2.0773  3.065 1440    0       T-Temp
#>     Depth                     73.242    74.767 77.148 1440    0        Depth
#>     none                          NA        NA     NA 1440 1440         none
#>     none.1                        NA        NA     NA 1440 1440         none
#>     Hdg                            0    175.79  359.2 1440    0          Hdg
#>     X                             NA        NA     NA 1440 1440            -
#>     salinity [PSS-78]         41.307     42.71 44.205 1440    0          Sal
#>     Dens                      1033.3    1034.5 1035.8 1440    0         Dens
#>     SV                        1467.9    1469.8 1472.2 1440    0           SV
#>     X.1                           NA        NA     NA 1440 1440            -
#>     N.S.Dist                 -2535.2    4159.5  10349 1440    0     N-S Dist
#>     E.W.Dist                 -2033.5    893.81 4687.5 1440    0     E-W Dist
#>     X.2                           NA        NA     NA 1440 1440            -
#>     SRB.Date                      NA        NA     NA 1440 1440     SRB Date
#>     SRB.Time                      NA        NA     NA 1440    0     SRB Time
#>     Vref.1                     1.226    1.2263   1.23 1440 1152         Vref
#>     Hx.1                          NA        NA     NA 1440 1440           Hx
#>     Hy.1                          NA        NA     NA 1440 1440           Hy
#>     Cond.1                        NA        NA     NA 1440 1440         Cond
#>     T.Temp.1                      NA        NA     NA 1440 1440       T-Temp
#>     Depth.1                       NA        NA     NA 1440 1440        Depth
#>     none.2                        NA        NA     NA 1440 1440         none
#>     none.3                        NA        NA     NA 1440 1440         none
#>     Hdg.1                         NA        NA     NA 1440 1440          Hdg
#>     X.3                           NA        NA     NA 1440 1440            -
#>     Sal.1                         NA        NA     NA 1440 1440          Sal
#>     Dens.1                        NA        NA     NA 1440 1440         Dens
#>     SV.1                          NA        NA     NA 1440 1440           SV
#>     pressure [dbar]           73.855    75.392 77.794 1440    0            -
#> * Processing Log
#>     - 2023-02-10 12:50:57 UTC: `create 'cm' object`
#>     - 2023-02-10 12:50:57 UTC: `read.oce("~/data/archive/sleiwex/2008/moorings/m11/cm/interocean_0811786/manufacturer/", ...)`
#>     - 2023-02-10 12:50:57 UTC: `, subset=time < as.POSIXct("2008-06-27 00:00:00", tz = "UTC"))`