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Sections created with as.section() have "stations" that are in the order of the CTD objects (or filenames for such objects) provided. Sometimes, this is not the desired order, e.g. if file names discovered with dir() are in an order that makes no sense. (For example, a practioner might name stations "stn1", "stn2", etc., not realizing that this will yield an unhelpful ordering, by file name, if there are more than 9 stations.) The purpose of sectionSort is to permit reordering the constituent stations in sensible ways.


sectionSort(section, by, decreasing = FALSE)



A section object containing the section whose stations are to be sorted.


An optional string indicating how to reorder. If not provided, "stationID" will be assumed. Other choices are "distance", for distance from the first station, "longitude", for longitude, "latitude" for latitude, and "time", for time.


A logical value indicating whether to sort in decreasing order. The default is FALSE. (Thanks to Martin Renner for adding this parameter.)


object A section object that has been smoothed, so its data fields will station-to-station variation than is the case for the input section, x.


Dan Kelley


sectionByLongitude <- sectionSort(section, by = "longitude")
#> Section 'a03' has 6 stations:
#> Index    ID      Lon      Lat  Levels Depth
#>     1     3   -8.526   36.876       5   202
#>     2     4   -8.620   36.719      16   742
#>     3     6   -8.738   36.538      19  1567
#>     4     7   -8.791   36.425      24  2349
#>     5     8   -8.901   36.250      23  2629
#>     6     9   -9.271   36.235      24  3842
#> Section 'a03' has 6 stations:
#> Index    ID      Lon      Lat  Levels Depth
#>     1   133  -73.673   38.237       8   154
#>     2   132  -73.605   38.205      13   843
#>     3   131  -73.491   38.158      16  1378
#>     4   130  -73.319   38.086      20  2024
#>     5   129  -73.156   38.004      22  2363
#>     6   128  -72.976   37.925      24  2574