
This vignette explains how to use the mooring package to create a simulation of mooring 1840 on the Sackville Spur, based on a diagram that appeared in a report provided by the Bedford Institute of Oceanography (Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada) containing a Notice to Mariners document.

Source Document

**Figure 1. Diagram for Bedford Institute of Oceanograph mooring 1840 on Sackville Spur**

Figure 1. Diagram for Bedford Institute of Oceanograph mooring 1840 on Sackville Spur

Mooring Construction

# Mooring 1840 (p10 of doc)
## Loading required package: S7
# Abbreviations for convenience
W <- function(length) wire("3/16in galvanized wire coated to 1/4in", length = length)
BUB3 <- float("streamlined BUB 3 Viny balls")
RCM11 <- instrument("RCM-11 in frame") # "AANDERAA RCM11"
microcat <- instrument("SBE37 microcat clamp-on style") # "SBE MICROCAT"

# The database does not have a 5-wheel anchor, but we may construct
# one as follows.  Note that this does not matter to the knockdown
# calculation, but it might be useful in cases where an anchor was
# not heavy enough to hold the mooring in place.
buoyancy <- 5 / 3 * anchor("3 trainwheels")@buoyancy
height <- 5 / 3 * anchor("3 trainwheels")@height
CD <- anchor("3 trainwheels")@CD
A <- anchor("5 trainwheels", buoyancy = buoyancy, height = height, CD = CD)
m <- mooring(
    chain("5/8in galvanized chain", length = 10),
    release("benthos 965a"), # dual benthos 965-a
    connector("ballast", -100 / 2.2, height = 1, area = 0.05, CD = 1),
    float("syn. float, bracket and 109lb ADCP"),
    float("new glass streamlined float c2"),
    waterDepth = 1400
ms <- segmentize(m, by = 10)

Knockdown Simulation

For illustration, the simulation below uses an entirely made-up velocity structure. Note the setting of xlim to provide space for the labels.

u <- function(depth) 0.3 * exp(-depth / 1400)
layout(matrix(1:2, nrow = 1), widths = c(0.75, 0.25))
msk <- knockdown(ms, u = u)
plot(msk, "knockdown", xlim = c(0, 4.0), showDetails = TRUE)
plot(msk, "velocity")
**Figure 2. Simulation of knockdown with a depth-decaying current.**

Figure 2. Simulation of knockdown with a depth-decaying current.

Knockdown-Speed Diagram

We may get an idea of the overall response of the mooring to water velocity by running simulations with a range of velocities. Noting that the top of the mooring, from the surface to 200m, is knocked over much more than the rest, let’s focus on the depth of the second microcat from the top, i.e. the one below the ADCP. Typing ms in a console gives an overview, from which one may find the ADCP element using

names <- sapply(ms@elements, \(e) e@model)
iADCP <- grep("ADCP", names)
## [1] 23

We may use this to construct a diagnostic curve giving an overview of the mooring knockdown, as follows. Note that the xx axis of the resultant plot is showing velocity at the depth of the ADCP.

par(mar = c(3, 3, 1, 1), mgp = c(2, 0.7, 0), mfrow = c(1, 1))
N <- 20
u0 <- seq(0, 0.3, length.out = N)
dz <- rep(NA, N)
U <- rep(NA, N)
for (i in seq_len(N)) {
    u <- function(depth) u0[i] * exp(-depth / 1400)
    k <- knockdown(ms, u)
    U[i] <- u(-k@elements[[iADCP]]@z)
    dz[i] <- k@elements[[iADCP]]@z - ms@elements[[iADCP]]@z
plot(U, dz, lwd = 2, type = "l", xlab = "Velocity [m/s]", ylab = "Knockdown [m]")
mtext(sprintf("Knockdown for ADCP nominally at %.0f m depth", -ms@elements[[iADCP]]@z))
**Figure 3. Speed-knockdown summary diagram**

Figure 3. Speed-knockdown summary diagram

Examining Moorings


An overview of a mooring is provided by printing it, either with

or, in an interactive session, with


Note that the results for ms will be similar, except there will be many more elements (for the segmented chain and wire components). If msk is examined in this way, the xx and zz values will be different.


To learn more about, say, the top element, use

## <mooring::floatS7>
##  @ model       : chr "new glass streamlined float c2"
##  @ buoyancy    : num 45.4
##  @ height      : num 0.87
##  @ area        : num 0.183
##  @ CD          : num 0.6
##  @ source      : chr "BIO"
##  @ originalName: chr "NEW GLASS STREAMLINED FLOAT (C2)"
##  @ x           : num 0
##  @ x0          : num 0
##  @ z           : num -63.6
##  @ z0          : num -63.6
##  @ phi         : num 0
##  @ tau         : num 45.4
##  @ group       : num 0

and, as shown previously, finer-grained access is achieved as, e.g.

## [1] 45.41

Exercise 1. Double the chain density, to see the effect on knock-down.

Exercise 2. Double the drag coefficient on the wire, to see how much this increases knockdown.

Answers to Exercises

1. Doubling chain density

A simple way to do this is to create m as before, but then to use

m@elements[[2]]@buoyancy <- 2 * m@elements[[2]]@buoyancy

before using digitise(), knockdown() and then plot.mooring(). Before doing that though, you should ask yourself whether you expect to see a large effect.

2. Doubling wire drag

One way to do this is to replace the W definition with

W <- function(length) {
    w0 <- wire("3/16in galvanized wire coated to 1/4in", length = 1)
    wire("draggy wire",
        buoyancy = w0@buoyancy,
        area = w0@area, CD = 2 * w0@CD, length = length

and then create m, ms and msk as before. The results are as follows. Note that an axis change is required to capture the approximately-doubled knockdown. This illustrates the importance of getting drag coefficient right, a matter dealt with in detail by Hamilton (1989) and Hamilton, Fowler, and Belliveau (1997).

**Figure 4. As Figure 2, but doubled wire drag. Note the doubled range of the 'Depth Increase' axis, to accomodate the approximately doubled knockdown.**

Figure 4. As Figure 2, but doubled wire drag. Note the doubled range of the ‘Depth Increase’ axis, to accomodate the approximately doubled knockdown.


Hamilton, James M. 1989. “The Validation and Practical Applications of a Sub-Surface Mooring Model.” 119. Bedford Institute of Oceanography.
Hamilton, James M., George A Fowler, and Donald J. Belliveau. 1997. “Mooring Vibration as a Source of Current Meter Error and Its Correction.” Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 14 (3): 644–55.<0644:MVAASO>2.0.CO;2.