
Anchored oceanographic mooring lines are deformed by currents, in much the same way as trees are bent by wind. For very simple moorings, e.g. consisting of a single float connected by a uniform cable to an anchor at the bottom, the deformation can be calculated if the current is uniform. The physics is analogous to the sagging of telephone lines between poles, and falls into the general category of a catenary. However, things are more complicated for depth-varying currents, and for mooring lines that consist of many elements, of varying buoyancy and drag, connected by wires, chains, etc., that are also of varying buoyancy and drag.

An approach to analysing realistic oceanographic moorings is to use lumped-mass theory, in which elements such as floats and instrument packages are parameterized by their buoyancy and drag characteristics, and in which cables envisioned as connected line elements. This approach was taken by Moller (1976) in a Fortran program, and more recently by Dewey (1999) in a GUI-based Matlab system. The present treatment is of similar foundation, although with some added simplifications (such as unidirectional current) that are relevant to the basic problem of computing “knock-down”, i.e. the vertical displacement of instruments that is caused by slanting of the mooring line.


Consider the case of unidirectional horizontal current aligned with the xx axis. Following oceanographic convention, let zz be the vertical coordinate, positive upwards, with z=0z=0 at the surface. The mooring is modelled as a series of nn connected elements, with the top element being numbered i=1i=1 and the bottom one numbered i=ni=n.

Water density and velocity are assumed to be a functions of depth, with values ρi\rho_i and uiu_i at the location ziz_i of the ii-th element.

Each element is described by the following properties.

  • Height, HiH_i [m]. This is is the vertical extent of the element as placed in a completely taut (i.e. vertical) mooring.
  • Area, AiA_i [m2^2] projected in the xx direction, again for an element as it would be oriented in a taut mooring.
  • Buoyancy ‘force’ expressed in kilograms, i.e. the actual force in Newtons, divided by gg, the acceleration due to gravity. For a solid object such as a float or instrument, this is a simple number, denoted mim_i below. For a wire or chain, it is expressed per unit length of cable, i.e. in kg/m, and denoted μi\mu_i below. Manufacturers tend to provide mm or μ\mu values in technical documentation about mooring components. Note that they refer to in-water buoyancy force, but the distinction between freshwater and seawater is seldom made clear.
  • Drag coefficient, CiC_i, defined as the ratio of drag force, DiD_i, to 12Aiρiui|ui|\frac{1}{2}A_i\rho_i u_i|u_i|.
Figure 1. Force diagram, showing an idealization of a table-tennis ball at the end of a very thin 0.5m fishing line in a 1 m/s current flowing in a river that is 0.5m deep. Arrows show forces in the i-th element (with i=1 in this case), and the corresponding angle is indicated alongside the gray line that represents the stagnant case. The brown region is the sediment below the river, and the dot is an anchor (element i=2, for which there is no force calculation since it assumed to be immobile).
Figure 1. Force diagram, showing an idealization of a table-tennis ball at the end of a very thin 0.5m fishing line in a 1 m/s current flowing in a river that is 0.5m deep. Arrows show forces in the ii-th element (with i=1i=1 in this case), and the corresponding angle is indicated alongside the gray line that represents the stagnant case. The brown region is the sediment below the river, and the dot is an anchor (element i=2i=2, for which there is no force calculation since it assumed to be immobile).

A tension force exists between each interior mooring element. The tension below the ii-th interior element (thus pulling downward on it) is denoted TiT_i. This is defined for all elements of a mooring except for the bottom one, which is labelled i=ni=n.

The tension force is directed vertically if there is no current, but acquires a horizontal component if there is a current, because drag from the current will distort the mooring shape. The angle made by the ii-th element to the vertical is represented with ϕi\phi_i. Determining these two quantities, TT and ϕ\phi, is the key to inferring the response of a mooring to currents.

Quasi-steady dynamics are assumed, so that forces must balance in both the horizontal and vertical directions. The tension force has components in both the xx and zz directions, but the buoyancy force (defined as positive for objects that would rise if unattached to a mooring) acts only in the vertical, upwards if mm or μ\mu is positive.

The buoyancy force for a solid object such as an anchor or a float is found with Bi=gmi\begin{equation} \tag{1} B_i = -g m_i \end{equation} while it is represented with Bi=gμiΔli\begin{equation} \tag{2} B_i = -g \mu_i \Delta l_i \end{equation} for a portion of a cable of length Δli\Delta l_i.

The drag force is expressed with Di=12AiCiρiui|ui|\begin{equation} \tag{3} D_i = \frac{1}{2} A_i C_i \rho_i u_i |u_i| \end{equation} where AiA_i is the area projected in the flow direction.

With these definitions, a steady-state assumption dictates that forces must be balanced in the horizontal and vertical directions for each element of the mooring.

Consider the case of a mooring consisting of nn elements attached to an immovable bottom anchor, and let the index i=1i=1 refer to the top element, with ii increasing to i=ni=n at the anchor.

Three forces are involved in this situation: (a) a horizontal drag force, DD, associated with the current, (b) a vertical buoyancy force, BB, caused by a density mismatch between a component and the background water, and (c) a tension force, τ\tau, along the connection between elements. The tension force has only a vertical component for an upright mooring, but horizontal components occur for a mooring that is tilted by a current.

By definition, the top element has no tension from above, and so a consideration of its force balance yields D1=τ1sinϕ1\begin{equation} \tag{4} D_1 = \tau_1 \sin\phi_1 \end{equation} along with B1=τ1cosϕ1\begin{equation} \tag{5} B_1 = \tau_1 \cos\phi_1 \end{equation} where τ1\tau_1 is the tension between this element and the one below it, and ϕ1\phi_1 is the angle that this tension force makes to the vertical.

Consider first the case of a depth-independent current, so that the drag DiD_i on the ii-th element may be computed without consideration for the position of the element in the water column. In such a case, both D1D_1 and B1B_1 are known, these two equations may be solved for τ1\tau_1 and ϕ1\phi_1, yielding τ1=D12+B12\begin{equation} \tag{6} \tau_1 = \sqrt{D_1^2 + B_1^2} \end{equation} and ϕ1=tan1D1B1\begin{equation} \tag{7} \phi_1 = \tan^{-1}\frac{D_1}{B_1} \end{equation}

In the case of a single anchor, a short wire, and a single float, equations 6 and 7 will yield a solution for the angle of the wire, which in turn yields a value for the depth of that float. Now, we may relax the assumption of depth-independent current, by a simple scheme: solve the equations again with the updated float depth, in which case the drag will be altered from the value initially inferred. This process can then be repeated, yielding a more accurate estimate of the float depth and thus of the drag. Iterating this process can thus yield a practical estimate of the configuration of this simple mooring.

If there are more than 2 elements in the mooring, a similar line of reasoning may be extended to the next element, although now there is a tension force pulling upward. This situation is described by D2+τ1sinϕ1=τ2sinϕ2\begin{equation} \tag{8} D_2 + \tau_1 \sin\phi_1 = \tau_2 \sin\phi_2 \end{equation} and B2+τ1cosϕ1=τ2cosϕ2\begin{equation} \tag{9} B_2 + \tau_1 \cos\phi_1 = \tau_2 \cos\phi_2 \end{equation}

Since ϕ1\phi_1 and τ1\tau_1 are known from Equation 5, Equation 6 may be solved for τ2\tau_2 and ϕ2\phi_2, using τ2=(D2+τ1sinϕ1)2+(B2+τ1cosϕ1)2\begin{equation} \tag{10} \tau_2 = \sqrt{(D_2+\tau_1\sin\phi_1)^2 + (B_2+\tau_1\cos\phi_1)^2} \end{equation} and ϕ2=tan1D2+τ1sinϕ1B2+τ1cosϕ1\begin{equation} \tag{11} \phi_2 = \tan^{-1}\frac{D_2+\tau_1\sin\phi_1}{B_2+\tau_1\cos\phi_1} \end{equation}

This may be generalized to larger moorings, with τi=(Di+τi1sinϕi1)2+(Bi+τi1cosϕi1)2\begin{equation} \tag{12} \tau_i = \sqrt{(D_i+\tau_{i-1}\sin\phi_{i-1})^2+(B_i+\tau_{i-1}\cos\phi_{i-1})^2} \end{equation} and ϕi=tan1Di+τi1sinϕi1Bi+τi1cosϕi1\begin{equation} \tag{13} \phi_i = \tan^{-1}\frac{D_i+\tau_{i-1}\sin\phi_{i-1}}{B_i+\tau_{i-1}\cos\phi_{i-1}} \end{equation} applying for elements i=2,,n1i=2,\dots,n-1. The limit ends at n1n-1 because is no tension below the bottom element, so neither τn\tau_n nor ϕn\phi_n can be defined.

This leads to a simple way to describe mooring response to a depth-independent current, in which DiD_i and BiB_i are known quantities for each ii from 1 to nn:

  1. First, use Equations 4 through 7 to compute τ1\tau_1 and ϕ1\phi_1, the angle and tension below the top (i=1)i=1) element.
  2. Use Equations 12 and 13 to compute τi\tau_i and ϕi\phi_i for i=2i=2.
  3. Continue as in step 2, until reaching the bottom (i=n1i=n-1) element.
  4. Update the depth location of all elements and repeat the computation of steps 1 to 3. Repeat this procedure until some convergence criterion is reached; Moller (1976) suggested basing this criterion on the changes in ϕ\phi from one iteration to the next.


Figure 2 shows the result of simulating a 20-inch Hydro Float Mooring Buoy (with 34.534.5kg buoyancy) connected to a bottom anchor with 100 m of quarter-inch jacketed wire (with 13-13kg/m of buoyancy), in a depth-independent 0.5 m/s (roughly 1 knot) current. Note that the float is predicted to sink 7.77.7m with this current. However, the predicted knockdown increases to 41.241.2m with a 11m/s current, suggesting that this float would be of limited utility in supporting an oceanographic mooring a region with strong currents.

*Figure 2. Response of a mooring to a $u=1$m/s current, as described in the text. **Left**: Cable tension, in kg, with gray for the $u=0$ case and black for the $u=1$m/s case. **Right:** Mooring shape, with same colour scheme as left panel.*

Figure 2. Response of a mooring to a u=1u=1m/s current, as described in the text. Left: Cable tension, in kg, with gray for the u=0u=0 case and black for the u=1u=1m/s case. Right: Mooring shape, with same colour scheme as left panel.

Special case: negligible currents

As a special case, if ui=0u_i=0 for all ii, then there will be no drag, and so (assuming adequate buoyancy), the mooring will be aligned in the vertical, and the vertical equation becomes τi+1=τi+Bi\begin{equation} \tag{14} \tau_{i+1} = \tau_i + B_i \end{equation} which yields τi=j=1i1Bj\begin{equation} \tag{15} \tau_i = \sum_{j=1}^{i-1} B_j \end{equation} for i>1i>1. Physically, this means that the downward tension at any level balances the total upward buoyancy force of all the elements above it. The bottom tension, τn\tau_n, may be interpreted as the minimum anchor weight that will hold the mooring in place in the absence of currents. However, it should be obvious that heavier weights will be required for practical situations.


Dewey, Richard K. 1999. “Mooring Design & Dynamics—a Matlab® Package for Designing and Analyzing Oceanographic Moorings.” Marine Models 1 (1): 103–57.
Moller, Donald A. 1976. “A Computer Program for the Design and Static Analysis of Single-Point Subsurface Mooring Systems: NOYFB.” WHOI-76-59. Woods Hole, MA: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. .