Assemble elementary components into a mooring string. The first argument must be an anchor, created with anchor(). These are stored in reverse order in the return value (see Example 1).

mooring(..., waterDepth = NA)



two or more elementary objects, as created by anchor(), release(), chain(), wire(), connector(), instrument(), misc() or float().


numerical value giving the full depth of the water column. For a sub-surface mooring, this must exceed the sum of the heights of all the mooring elements.


mooring returns an object in the mooring class that contains an item named elements, which holds the items provided in the ... argument. Each of those items is of the mooringElement class.


Dan Kelley


# Example 1: a simple mooring with a single instrument
m <- mooring(anchor(),
    wire(length = 70), instrument(), wire(length = 10),
    float(), waterDepth = 100)
ms <- segmentize(m)
msk <- knockdown(ms, u = 1)