Creates a wire (or rope, chain, etc.) object, either by looking up a known object from the database, or by defining a new type.

  model = "1/4in wire/jack",
  buoyancyPerMeter = NULL,
  areaPerMeter = NULL,
  CD = NULL,
  length = NULL



character value indicating the type of wire. There are three possibilities for model. (1) If this is "?", then the function returns a vector of permitted character values. (2) If this is "?X", where X is a set of characters, then findElement() is called to do a fuzzy search, with the search argument set to "wire". (3) If it is recognized, i.e. if that type is stored in data(mooringElements), then the that stored value is used, and all other arguments to this function are ignored. (4) Otherwise, a new wire object is created, using values specified in the other arguments (all of which must be supplied).


numeric value indicating buoyancy per meter of length, expressed as kg/m. Note that buoyancyPerMeter is ignored if model is recognized.


numeric value indicating the frontal area per meter of length, expressed as m^2. (This is equivalent to the width, or diameter, of the wire.) Note that areaPerMeter is ignored if model is recognized.


numeric value (unitless) for the drag coefficient. Note that CD is ignored if model is recognized.


(mandatory) numeric value indicating the length (in m) of the wire.


wire returns a "mooringElement" object with "wire" subclass.

See also

Other functions that create mooring elements: anchor(), chain(), connector(), float(), instrument(), misc(), release()


Dan Kelley


# List known wire types
#>  [1] "1 Nylon"                               
#>  [2] "1/2 Dyneema"                           
#>  [3] "1/2in AmSteel-Blue"                    
#>  [4] "1/2in Dacron"                          
#>  [5] "1/2in Kevlar"                          
#>  [6] "1/2in Neutral Wire"                    
#>  [7] "1/2in VLS"                             
#>  [8] "1/2in wire/jack"                       
#>  [9] "1/4-1/2 WarpSpd"                       
#> [10] "1/4in AmSteel-Blue"                    
#> [11] "1/4in Kevlar"                          
#> [12] "1/4in galvanized wire coated to 5/16in"
#> [13] "1/4in wire rope"                       
#> [14] "1/4in wire/jack"                       
#> [15] "11mm Perlon"                           
#> [16] "1in Neutral Wire"                      
#> [17] "3/16in galvanized wire coated to 1/4in"
#> [18] "3/16in wire rope"                      
#> [19] "3/4in Dacron"                          
#> [20] "3/4in Nylon"                           
#> [21] "3/4in Polyprop"                        
#> [22] "3/8in AmSteel-Blue"                    
#> [23] "3/8in Kevlar"                          
#> [24] "3/8in leaded polypropylene"            
#> [25] "3/8in wire rope"                       
#> [26] "3/8in wire/jack"                       
#> [27] "5/16in Kevlar"                         
#> [28] "5/16in wire rope"                      
#> [29] "5/16in wire/jack"                      
#> [30] "5/8in AmSteel-Blue"                    
#> [31] "5/8in Kevlar"                          
#> [32] "5/8in Nylon"                           
#> [33] "7/16in Dacron"                         
#> [34] "7/16in Kevlar"                         
#> [35] "7/16in VLS"                            
#> [36] "9/16in Dacron"                         
#> [37] "9/16in Kevlar"                         
#> [38] "BPS Cable"                             
#> [39] "BPS Power/Coms"