Plot a side-view diagram that indicates mooring geometry.
a mooring
object, created with mooring()
character value indicating the desired plot, with
choices: "shape"
(the default), "knockdown"
, "tension"
and "velocity"
logical value indicating whether to indicate the water surface with a blue line and the ocean bottom with a brown line.
logical value indicating whether to indicate the depths of floats, to the left of the symbols.
logical value indicating whether to indicate anchors,
instruments and floats with A
, I
and F
, respectively.
logical value indicating whether to show details for anchors, instruments and floats with text.
logical value indicating whether to indicate the water and sediments with filled rectangles. The alternative is a simpler plot.
character value indicating a title to put above the plot.
numeric vector of length 4, used to set margins
outside axes. The default values reduce whitespace.
See par()
numeric vector of length 3, with a default that
reduces axis whitespace. See par()
character values that control axis ranges.
See par()
optional numeric vector of length 2 that can be used to specify the limits of the horizontal axis.
character value indicating type of plot. The default, "l"
means to draw lines, while e.g. "p"
means to draw points.
an integer value (or a numeric that can be converted to an integer) that controls debugging. If this is positive, then some debugging information may be printed by the function.