• Improve anchor drawing (issue #66).
  • Change knockdown() to increase speed by approximately 40X.
  • Rename draw() to plot(), undoing the change made in the 0.1.5 version.
  • Rename printMooring() to summary(). It really is a summary, not a printout, and we want users to know that they can examine the contents in the normal way, by naming the item.
  • Switch to S7 object scheme.
  • Change anchor(), dropping the depth parameter.
  • Change mooring(), gaining the waterDepth parameter.
  • Rename plot() as draw(), as a hopefully temporary measure until the proper way of documenting S7 generics becomes clearer. (See https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-package-devel/2024q1/010266.html, but note that my comment on Jan 3 20:38:17 CET 2024 was incorrect: I realized later that I could build but then not document, or document but then not build. But I was just trying different syntax options willy-nilly, with no real understanding. I gave up and renamed the function, on the assumption that somebody will document how this is meant to be done, at some time in the near future.)
  • knockdown() uses an iteration method to improve accuracy.
  • Add clamped().
  • Add is.wire() and similar functions.
  • Add 8x8x16 cinder/concrete block anchors.
  • Add CMAR components.
  • Change mooring() documentation by improving plots.
  • Change plot.mooring(..., which="shape") to draw the anchor.
  • Version prior to mid-October 2023.