This looks up element areas with area() and drag coefficients with CD(), then computes drag force (in Newtons) with \((1/2)*area*rho*CD*u^2\).

drag(m, u, phi = TRUE, rho = 1027)



either a mooring object, created by mooring(), or a mooring-element object, created with anchor(), chain(), connector(), instrument(), misc(), release(), or wire().


either a non-negative number indicating depth-independent velocity, or a function that returns that velocity as a function of depth (m) below the ocean surface.


passed to area(), so see that function's documentation for the somewhat subtle details.


a numeric value giving water density in kg/m^3. The default value of 1027 is likely to be sufficient for most calculations, given that oceanographic variations of density are typically well under 1 percent, although it might make sense to use a smaller value in lake applications. Note that the overall force balance is more sensitive to other things, as discussed in the “Details” section of the documentation for buoyancy().


drag returns a numeric vector of horizontal drag force in Newtons.


Although fluid density rho is a parameter of this function, the default value is likely to be used in all practical oceanographic calculations, because neither the drag coefficient, CD nor the current is easily constrained to a corresponding tolerance.


Dan Kelley