All functions |
GUI app for interactive whale-strike simulations |
GUI application for whale simulation (version 2) |
Calculate derivative using first difference |
Dynamical law |
Draw polygon between two xy curves |
Convert a speed in knots to a speed in m/s |
Compute lethality index, based on compression stress |
Convert a speed in m/s to a speed in knots |
Set parameters for a whale strike simulation |
Pin numerical values between stated limits |
Plot a strike object |
Whale blubber stress-strain relationship |
Server for app, with standard arguments. |
Compute ship wetted area from mass |
Ship water force |
Reference strike() solution |
Compute stress, based on lethality index |
Create a function for stress in laminated layers |
Simulate the collision of a ship and a whale |
Summarize a parameters object |
Summarize the parameters of a simulation, and its results |
Update parameters |
Whale projected area, as function of length |
Whale compression force |
Compute whale length from mass |
Whale mass inferred from length |
Skin force |
Whale force |
Whale side-view shape |