Calculate the total compression stress and force, along with the thicknesses of skin, blubber, sublayer, and bone. The stress is computed with the stressFromStrainFunction() function that is created by parameters() and stored in para. the force is computed by multiplying stess by area computed as the product of parms$Ly and parms$Lz. Any negative layer thicknesses are set to zero, as a way to avoid problems with aphysical engineering compression strains that exceed 1.

whaleCompressionForce(xs, xw, parms)



Ship position (m).


Whale position (m).


A named list holding model parameters, created by parameters().


A list containing: force (N), the compression-resisting force; stress (Pa), the ratio of that force to the impact area; strain, the total strain, and compressed, a four-column matrix (m) with first column for skin compression, second for blubber compression, third for sublayer compression, and fourth for bone compression.


See whalestrike() for a list of references.


Dan Kelley