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This function concatenates oce objects. It is intended for objects holding data sampled through time, and it works by pasting together data linearly if they are vectors, by row if they are matrices, and by second index if they are arrays. It has been tested for the following classes: adp, adv, ctd, and met. It may do useful things for other classes, and so users are encouraged to try, and to report problems to the developers. It is unlikely that the function will do anything even remotely useful for image and topographic data, to name just two cases that do not fit the sampled-over-time category.


# S4 method for class 'oce'
concatenate(object, ..., debug = getOption("oceDebug"))



An object of oce, or a list containing such objects (in which case the remaining arguments are ignored).


optional additional objects of oce.


integer indicating debugging level. If this exceeds 1, some information may be printed during the processing.


An object of oce.

See also

Other functions that concatenate oce objects: concatenate,adp-method


Dan Kelley


## 1. Split, then recombine, a ctd object.
ctd1 <- subset(ctd, scan <= median(ctd[["scan"]]))
ctd2 <- subset(ctd, scan > median(ctd[["scan"]]))
CTD <- concatenate(ctd1, ctd2)

## 2. Split, then recombine, an adp object.
midtime <- median(adp[["time"]])
adp1 <- subset(adp, time <= midtime)
adp2 <- subset(adp, time > midtime)
ADP <- concatenate(adp1, adp2)

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
## 3. Download two met files and combine them.
met1 <- read.met(download.met(id=6358, year=2003, month=8))
met2 <- read.met(download.met(id=6358, year=2003, month=9))
MET <- concatenate(met1, met2)
} # }