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Create a wind-rose object, typically for plotting with plot,windrose-method().


as.windrose(x, y, dtheta = 15, debug = getOption("oceDebug"))



The x component of wind speed (or stress) or an object of class met (see met), in which case the u and v components of that object are used for the components of wind speed, and y here is ignored.


The y component of wind speed (or stress).


The angle increment (in degrees) within which to classify the data.


A flag that turns on debugging. Set to 1 to get a moderate amount of debugging information, or to 2 to get more.


A windrose object, with data slot containing

nthe number of x values
x.meanthe mean of the x values
y.meanthe mean of the y values
thetathe central angle (in degrees) for the class
countthe number of observations in this class
meanthe mean of the observations in this class
fivenumthe fivenum() vector for observations in this class (the min, the lower hinge, the median, the upper hinge, and the max)

See also

Other things related to windrose data: [[,windrose-method, [[<-,windrose-method, plot,windrose-method, summary,windrose-method, windrose-class


Dan Kelley, with considerable help from Alex Deckmyn.


theta <- seq(0, 360, 0.25)
x <- 1 + cos(pi / 180 * theta) + rnorm(theta)
y <- sin(pi / 180 * theta) + rnorm(theta)
wr <- as.windrose(x, y)
#> Windrose data
#> -------------
#> * Have n= 24 angles, separated by dtheta= 15 
#> * Data Overview
#>            Min.     Mean       Max.     Dim.   NAs
#>     n      1441     1441       1441     1      0  
#>     x.mean 0.99206  0.99206    0.99206  1      0  
#>     y.mean 0.013422 0.013422   0.013422 1      0  
#>     theta  -172.5   1.1842e-14 172.5    24     0  
#>     count  14       60.042     142      24     0  
#>     mean   1.0569   1.584      2.1238   24     0  
#>     fives  0.043288 1.6777     4.9429   "24x5" 0  
#> * Processing Log
#>     - 2025-03-07 18:44:29 UTC: `create 'windrose' object`
#>     - 2025-03-07 18:44:29 UTC: `as.windrose(x = x, y = y)`