This package solves Newton's second law for a simple model of a ship colliding with a whale. This is a stripped-down model that does not attempt to simulate the biomechanical interactions that can be simulated in finite-element treatments such as that of Raymond (2007). For an in-depth discussion of the reason for writing the model, of the principles involved in its framing, and its use in developing a criterion for strike lethality, please see Kelley et al. (2021).


The goal of the model is to establish a convenient framework for rapid computation of impacts in a wide variety of conditions. The model runs quickly enough to keep up with mouse movements to select conditions, in a companion R shiny app. That app lets the user see the effects of changing contact area, ship speed, etc., as a way to build intuition for scenarios ranging from collision with a slow-moving fishing boat to collision with a thin dagger-board of a much swifter racing sailboat. Another advantage of the simple formulation is that it makes it easy to modify various dynamical and biomechanical parameters, to add new forces, and to explore a range of criteria for whale damage.

The documentation for strike() provides a practical example of using the main functions of this package, while the package vignette provides a general overview. Kelley et al (2021) provide more detail about the mathematical framework of the package, along with a discussion of its purpose and application to real-world problems of ship strikes on whales.

Further reading

  • Daoust, Pierre-Yves, Emilie L. Couture, Tonya Wimmer, and Laura Bourque. "Incident Report. North Atlantic Right Whale Mortality Event in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 2017." Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative, Marine Animal Response Society, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2018.

  • Fortune, Sarah M. E., Andrew W. Trites, Wayne L. Perryman, Michael J. Moore, Heather M. Pettis, and Morgan S. Lynn. "Growth and Rapid Early Development of North Atlantic Right Whales (Eubalaena Glacialis)." Journal of Mammalogy 93, no. 5 (2012): 1342-54. doi:10.1644/11-MAMM-A-297.1 .

  • Grear, Molly E., Michael R. Motley, Stephanie B. Crofts, Amanda E. Witt, Adam P. Summers, and Petra Ditsche. "Mechanical Properties of Harbor Seal Skin and Blubber--a Test of Anisotropy." Zoology 126 (2018): 137-44. doi:10.1016/j.zool.2017.11.002 .

  • Kelley, Dan E., James P. Vlasic, and Sean W. Brillant. "Assessing the Lethality of Ship Strikes on Whales Using Simple Biophysical Models." Marine Mammal Science 37, no. 1 (January 2021): 251–67. doi:10.1111/mms.12745 .

  • Kelley, Dan E. "Composite Spring," May 28, 2018. 20180528_composite_string. Dan Kelley's working notes.

  • Kelley, Dan. "Whale Area," June 23, 2018. 20180623_whale_area. Dan Kelley's working notes.

  • Kelley, Dan. "Ship Propulsion," July 1, 2018. 20180701_ship_propulsion. Dan Kelley's working notes.

  • Kelley, Dan. "Whale Mass," July 7, 2018. 20180707_whale_mass. Dan Kelley's working notes.

  • MAN Diesel & Turbo. "Basic Principles of Propulsion." MAN Diesel & Turbo, 2011.

  • Manen, J. D. van, and P. van Oossanen. "Resistance." In Principles of Naval Architecture (Second Revision), Volume II - Resistance, Propulsion and Vibration, edited by Edward V Lewis, Second Edition, 1-125. Jersey City, NJ: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (U.S.), 1988.

  • Miller, Carolyn A., Desray Reeb, Peter B. Best, Amy R. Knowlton, Moira W. Brown, and Michael J. Moore. "Blubber Thickness in Right Whales Eubalaena Glacialis and Eubalaena Australis Related with Reproduction, Life History Status and Prey Abundance." Marine Ecology Progress Series 438 (2011): 267-83.

  • Moore, M.J., A.R. Knowlton, S.D. Kraus, W.A. McLellan, and R.K. Bonde. "Morphometry, Gross Morphology and Available Histopathology in North Atlantic Right Whale (Eubalaena Glacialis) Mortalities (1970 to 2002)." Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 6, no. 3 (2005): 199-214.

  • Ng, Laurel J., Vladislav Volman, Melissa M. Gibbons, Pi Phohomsiri, Jianxia Cui, Darrell J. Swenson, and James H. Stuhmiller. "A Mechanistic End-to-End Concussion Model That Translates Head Kinematics to Neurologic Injury." Frontiers in Neurology 8, no. JUN (2017): 1-18. doi:10.3389/fneur.2017.00269

  • Raymond, J. J. "Development of a Numerical Model to Predict Impact Forces on a North Atlantic Right Whale during Collision with a Vessel." University of New Hampshire, 2007.

  • Soetaert, Karline, Thomas Petzoldt, and R. Woodrow Setzer. "Solving Differential Equations in R: Package DeSolve." Journal of Statistical Software; Vol 1, Issue 9, 2010. doi:10.18637/jss.v033.i09 .


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