Given an adv object created by the oce package, this function creates a NetCDF file that can later by read by ncdf2adv() to approximately reproduce the original contents.

adv2ncdf(x, varTable = NULL, ncfile = NULL, force_v4 = TRUE, debug = 0)



an oce object of class adv, as created by e.g. oce::read.adv().


character value indicating the variable-naming scheme to be used, which is passed to read.varTable() to set up variable names, units, etc.


character value naming the output file. Use NULL for a file name to be created automatically (e.g. for a CTD object).


logical value which controls the NetCDF file version during the nc_create step. The default here is TRUE, whereas the ncdf4-package defaults to FALSE (ensuring that the NetCDF file is compatible with NetCDF v3). Some features, including large data sizes, may require v4.


integer, 0 (the default) for quiet action apart from messages and warnings, or any larger value to see more output that describes the processing steps.


Note that adv2ncdf() defaults varTable to "adv".

The entire contents of the metadata slot are saved in the global attribute named "metadata", in a JSON format. The JSON material is developed with metadata2json(), which yields a value that can be decoded with json2metadata().

See also

Other things related to adv data: ncdf2adv()


Dan Kelley and Clark Richards



# Example with an adv file from oce package
data(adv, package = "oce")
#> ADV Summary
#> -----------
#> * Instrument:    vector, serial number ``(serial number redacted)``
#> * Filename:      `(file name redacted)`
#> * Location:      47.87943 N ,  -69.72533 E 
#> * Time:          2008-07-01 00:00:00 to 2008-07-01 00:00:59 (480 samples, mean increment 0.1250001 s)
#> * Data Overview
#>                                         Min.                Mean                Max.  Dim. NAs
#>     v [m/s]                        -0.080871          0.00069514            0.057789 480x3   0
#>     a                                     NA                  NA                  NA 480x3   0
#>     q                                     NA                  NA                  NA 480x3   0
#>     time                 2008-07-01 00:00:00 2008-07-01 00:00:30 2008-07-01 00:00:59   480   0
#>     pressure [dbar]                    16.85              16.866              16.879   480   0
#>     timeBurst                             NA                  NA                  NA   480 480
#>     recordsBurst                          NA                  NA                  NA   480 480
#>     voltageSlow                          9.7                9.71                 9.8    60   0
#>     timeSlow                      1214870401          1214870430          1214870460    60   0
#>     headingSlow [°]                   -23.39              -23.39              -23.39    60   0
#>     pitchSlow [°]                        0.4                 0.5                 0.6    60   0
#>     rollSlow [°]                        -6.2              -6.145                -6.1    60   0
#>     temperatureSlow [°C]                6.47              6.4997                6.51    60   0
#> * Processing Log
#>     - 2015-12-23 17:53:39 UTC: `read.oce(file = "/data/archive/sleiwex/2008/moorings/m05/adv/nortek_1943/raw/adv_nortek_1943.vec",     from = as.POSIXct("2008-06-25 00:00:00", tz = "UTC"), to = as.POSIXct("2008-07-06 00:00:00",         tz = "UTC"), latitude = 47.87943, longitude = -69.72533)`
#>     - 2015-12-23 17:53:54 UTC: `retime(x = m05VectorBeam, a = 0.58, b = 6.3892e-07, t0 = as.POSIXct("2008-07-01 00:00:00",     tz = "UTC"))`
#>     - 2015-12-23 17:53:55 UTC: `subset(x, subset=as.POSIXct("2008-06-25 13:00:00", tz = "UTC") <= time & time <=      as.POSIXct("2008-07-03 00:50:00", tz = "UTC"))`
#>     - 2015-12-23 17:53:55 UTC: `oceEdit(x = m05VectorBeam, item = "transformationMatrix", value = rbind(c(11033,     -5803, -5238), c(347, -9622, 9338), c(-1418, -1476, -1333))/4096,     reason = "Nortek email 2011-02-14", person = "DEK")`
#>     - 2015-12-23 17:53:55 UTC: `use aquadoppHR heading; despike own pitch and roll`
#>     - 2015-12-23 17:54:11 UTC: `beamToXyzAdv(x = x)`
#>     - 2015-12-23 17:54:34 UTC: `xyzToEnu(x, declination=-18.099, horizontalCase=TRUE, sensorOrientiation=upward, debug=0)`

# Transfer to NetCDF and back to see if results make sense
# Use a temporary nc file to let package pass CRAN checks.
ncfile <- tempfile(pattern = "adv", fileext = ".nc")
oce2ncdf(adv, ncfile = ncfile)
ADV <- ncdf2adv(ncfile)
#> ADV Summary
#> -----------
#> * Instrument:    vector, serial number ``(serial number redacted)``
#> * Filename:      `(file name redacted)`
#> * Location:      47.87943 N ,  -69.72533 E 
#> * Time:          2008-07-01 00:00:00 to 2008-07-01 00:00:59 (480 samples, mean increment 0.1250001 s)
#> * Data Overview
#>                                         Min.                Mean                Max.  Dim. NAs
#>     v [m/s]                        -0.080871          0.00069514            0.057789 480x3   0
#>     a                                     NA                  NA                  NA 480x3   0
#>     q                                     NA                  NA                  NA 480x3   0
#>     time                 2008-07-01 00:00:00 2008-07-01 00:00:30 2008-07-01 00:00:59   480   0
#>     pressure [dbar]                    16.85              16.866              16.879   480   0
#>     timeBurst                             NA                  NA                  NA   480 480
#>     recordsBurst                          NA                  NA                  NA   480 480
#>     voltageSlow                          9.7                9.71                 9.8    60   0
#>     timeSlow                      1214870401          1214870430          1214870460    60   0
#>     headingSlow [°]                   -23.39              -23.39              -23.39    60   0
#>     pitchSlow [°]                        0.4                 0.5                 0.6    60   0
#>     rollSlow [°]                        -6.2              -6.145                -6.1    60   0
#>     temperatureSlow [°C]                6.47              6.4997                6.51    60   0
#> * Processing Log
#>     - 2024-02-22 00:13:50 UTC: `Create oce object`

#> [1] TRUE