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Topographic data are downloaded from a data server that holds the ETOPO1 dataset (Amante, C. and B.W. Eakins, 2009), and saved as a netCDF file whose name specifies the data request, if a file of that name is not already present on the local file system. The return value is the name of the data file, and its typical use is as the filename for a call to read.topo() in the oce package. Given the rules on file naming, subsequent calls to dod.topo() with identical parameters will simply return the name of the cached file, assuming the user has not deleted it in the meantime. Note that dod.topo() uses the "terra" and "ncdf4" packages, so an error is reported if they are not available.


  resolution = 4,
  destdir = ".",
  server = "",
  debug = getOption("dodDebug", 0L)


west, east

numeric values for the limits of the data-selection box, in degrees. These are converted to the -180 to 180 degree notation, if needed. Then, west is rounded down to the nearest 1/100th degree, and east is rounded up to the the nearest 1/100th degree. The results of these operations are used in constructing the query for the NOAA data server.

south, north

latitude limits, treated in a way that corresponds to the longitude limits.


numeric value of grid spacing, in geographical minutes. The default value is 4 minutes, corresponding to 4 nautical miles (approx. 7.4km) in the north-south direction, and less in the east-west direction.


a character value indicating the directory in which to store downloaded files.


optional name of destination file. If not provided, this function creates a reasonable name.


character value specifying the base from which a download URL will be constructed. It is unlikely that any value other than the default will work, unless it is a similarly-constructed mirrored site.


an integer value indicating the level of debugging. If this exceeds 0, then some debugging messages will be printed. This value is passed down to related functions, but with 1 subtracted for each pass.


String indicating the full pathname to the downloaded file.


The specified longitude and latitude limits are rounded to 2 digits (corresponding to a footprint of approximately 1km), and these are used in the server request. If the resultant request would generate under 1 row or column in the result, dod.topo() generates an error message and stops.

Historical note relating to NOAA server changes

2022 November 13: updated to new NOAA database, with 1/4-minute resolution (a marked improvement over the previous 1-minute resolution). The revision was framed along similar changes to marmap::getNOAAbathy() made earlier today. Thanks to Clark Richards for pointing this out!

2020 May 31: updated for a change in the NOAA query structure, taking hints from marmap::getNOAAbathy().


  • Amante, C. and B.W. Eakins, 2009. ETOPO1 1 Arc-Minute Global Relief Model: Procedures, Data Sources and Analysis. NOAA Technical Memorandum NESDIS NGDC-24. National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA. doi:10.7289/V5C8276M

See also

Other functions that download files: dod.amsr(), dod.buoy(), dod.coastline(), dod.ctd(), dod.ctd.bats(), dod.ctd.bbmp(), dod.ctd.gtspp(), dod.ctd.itp(), dod.met(), dod.tideGauge()


Dan Kelley


# Download and plot topographic data
if (interactive()) { # sidestep a pkgdown::build_site() error
    destdir <- tempdir()
    topoFile <- dod.topo(
        west = -66, east = -60, south = 43, north = 47,
        resolution = 1, destdir = destdir
    topo <- read.topo(topoFile)
    imagep(topo, zlim = c(-400, 400), col = oceColorsTwo, drawTriangles = TRUE)
    if (requireNamespace("ocedata", quietly = TRUE)) {
        data(coastlineWorldFine, package = "ocedata")
        lines(coastlineWorldFine[["longitude"]], coastlineWorldFine[["latitude"]])
    unlink(destdir, recursive = TRUE)