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The function dod.ctd() can download ctd data from the Bedford Basin Mooring Program (BBMP), Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS), Global Temperature and Salinity Program (GTSPP) etc by calling their respective functions dod.ctd.bbmp(), dod.ctd.bats() or dod.ctd.tspp().

These functions vary slightly in detail, because the data servers vary.

For example, in dod.ctd.bbmp() the ID parameter is the desired file from the index. These files have names that fit a convention used at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography. The example in the README file for this repository shows how to discover the file names.

The ID parameter of dod.gtspp() takes a different form. For example, ID="at202401" indicates data for the Atlantic ocean (first 2 characters) acquired in the year 2024 (next 4 characters) and in January (last 2 characters).