Entries are added to this blog simpy by creating files in the _posts/ directory. There is an important convention on the file names: they must start with the year, followed by a dash, followed by the decimal number (with leading zero if appropriate), followed by the day, followed by a dash and then followed by some title words, and with .md at the end.

The format of the blog entries is markdown for the main body, but the first part must be a preface in so-called YAML format. See any existing blog entry for the format, which should be simple to understand.

Since Markdown errors will cause non-display of the item when it is eventually uploaded to github, it is important to test things locally first. This is very easy. In the commandline, type

jekyll serve --watch

to start a server. It will state a local URL that holds the blog. Cut and past that URL in a browser, and you will see a local copy of the blog. Every time you edit a file, jekyll will update the blog, but you will need to do a browser refresh to see the results.

Once things work well locally, type the following in a terminal to upload the blog to github.

git add .
git commit -m MSG
git push

PS. the make part of the above is important, because it moves a tags file from a location where github will not find it, to another where it will be found. Simply using git to upload files will give a blog that works in all respects except for tagging, but what would be the point of that?

This website is written in Jekyll, and the source is available on GitHub.