Downloading and Plotting NOAA SST data
NOAA provides datasets of sea-surface temperature (SST) in NetCDF form, at There are
many files to choose from, but for this exercise I’ll use the one named
, which holds data for the year 2024. The example code shows how to do the work. The following notes may be of use.
- The data file holds a note referring to this dataset as “NOAA/NCEI 1/4 Degree Daily Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature (OISS T) Analysis, Version 2.1”; see the website for more information.
- The file is cached, to avoid the slow download.
- This shows waters near Nova Scotia. Use the
values for other regions. - Adjusting the
parameter in thepng()
call is a good way to remove white bands on either the left/right or top/bottom sides of the plot. - This plot shows the most recent dataset. Adjust the look to get other values. (Why a loop? Because my real goal is to make a movie…)
url <- ""
file <- ""
# Change cache to FALSE to force a download. But note that it is a
# large file, so you're wise to experiment with plot aesthetics on
# a cached file.
cache <- TRUE
if (!cache || !file.exists(file)) { # takes about a minute
download.file(paste0(url, file), file)
data(coastlineWorldMedium, package = "ocedata")
# Cache variables to speed experimentation with plot aesthetics.
if (!exists("sstOrig")) {
message("reading from ", file)
nc <- nc_open(file)
lonOrig <- ncvar_get(nc, "lon")
latOrig <- ncvar_get(nc, "lat")
sstOrig <- ncvar_get(nc, "sst")
time <- ncvar_get(nc, "time")
t <- as.POSIXct("1800-01-01 00:00:00", tz = "UTC") + time * 86400
looklon <- 287 <= lonOrig & lonOrig <= 308
looklat <- 38 <= latOrig & latOrig <= 47.0
lon <- lonOrig[looklon]
lat <- latOrig[looklat]
sst <- sstOrig[looklon, looklat, ]
sstdim <- dim(sst)
cm <- colormap(zlim = range(sst, na.rm = TRUE), col = oceColorsTurbo)
# Adjust height to avoid whitespace at top+bottom or left+right
if (!interactive()) {
width = 7, height = 4.15, unit = "in", res = 200,
pointsize = 10
asp <- 1 / cospi(mean(range(lat)) / 180)
# Show most recent day
for (i in length(t)) {
imagep(lon, lat, sst[, , i],
asp = asp, colormap = cm,
mar = c(2.2, 2.2, 1.5, 0.5)
contour(lon, lat, sst[, , i],
levels = seq(-2, 34, 2),
drawlabels = !FALSE,
add = TRUE
polygon(360 + coastlineWorldMedium[["longitude"]],
col = "tan"