
I just installed the latest version of R (version 4.3.2 (2023-10-31) – “Eye Holes”) and tried to build the oce package. It failed, complaining about an unknown developer for gfortran. I tried reinstalling gfortran from the site recommended by R, but that didn’t help. I tried updating my brew` version ofgfortran``, again with no joy. Then I started searching the web.

Eventually I got to a stackoverflow comment that provided a solution that worked for me. It may also work for you, if you’re having problems but be very careful to check that you know what you are doing. Also, if you are reading this much past the date of posting, the site that holds gfortran might have changed, so I recommend you navigate there first, to check.

With those provisos, here is what I did (the last step is not from that website; it’s just a cleanup action):

curl -LO\n
sudo tar xvf gfortran-12.2-darwin20-r0-universal.tar.xz -C /
sudo ln -sfn $(xcrun --show-sdk-path) /opt/gfortran/SDK
rm gfortran-12.2-darwin20-r0-universal.tar.xz

After taking these steps, I was able to build oce again.

PS. I think I’ve gone through quite a lot of R versions without having to fiddle with gfortran. So maybe something has changed on the R end. Then again, I am running a beta (pre-release) version of macOS, so that might be a problem also.