How to add new content.

  1. Write a .md file in the _posts directory, with name, where YYYY is the year, etc. Use hyphens to join words in the topic portion. Start R code blocks with a line containing ```R and end them with a line containing ```, doing similar things for other languages.
  2. If this .md file contains code that is to produce results that will go in the blog, isolate this code and run it. If the output is textual, include it in the .md file. If it is a figure, put it in ../docs/assets/images with a name that is based on the name of the .md file, and then insert appropriate links in the .md file. (See the box-model item, as an example.)
  3. Go one level up, and, in the commandline, use git add, then git commit and finally git push. This will update the content on the server.
  4. Wait a few minutes, and then check the webpage to see if the update worked, and if you like the look of the content.