This creates a NetCDF file in a convention that permits later reading by ncdf2ctd(), and that may be convenient for other purposes as well.

ctd2ncdf(x, varTable = NULL, ncfile = NULL, force_v4 = TRUE, debug = 0)



an oce object of class ctd, as created by e.g. oce::as.ctd() or oce::read.ctd().


character value indicating the variable-naming scheme to be used, which is passed to read.varTable() to set up variable names, units, etc.


character value naming the output file. Use NULL for a file name to be created automatically (e.g. for a CTD object).


logical value which controls the NetCDF file version during the nc_create step. The default here is TRUE, whereas the ncdf4-package defaults to FALSE (ensuring that the NetCDF file is compatible with NetCDF v3). Some features, including large data sizes, may require v4.


integer, 0 (the default) for quiet action apart from messages and warnings, or any larger value to see more output that describes the processing steps.


Note that ctd2ncdf() defaults varTable to "argo".

The contents of the data slot of the oce object x are as NetCDF data items. If flags are present in the metadata slot, they are also saved as data, with names ending in _QC.

In addition to storage in the NetCDF data section, several attributes are saved as well. These include units for the data, which are tied to the corresponding variables. The entire metadata slot is stored as a global attribute named metadata, so that a later call to ncdf2ctd() will be able to recover the information, using an eval(parse(text=)) construct. As an aid to processing in other languages, the following metadata items are stored as individual global attributes: "latitude", "longitude", "startTime" and "station".

See also

Other things related to CTD data: ncdf2ctd()


Dan Kelley and Clark Richards



# example 1: a ctd file without per-variable QC flags
data(ctd, package = "oce")
# Use a temporary nc file to let package pass CRAN checks.
ncfile <- tempfile(pattern = "ctd", fileext = ".nc")
oce2ncdf(ctd, ncfile = ncfile)
#> Converting temperature from IPTS-68 scale to ITS-90 scale.
CTD <- as.ctd(ncdf2oce(ncfile))
#> [1] TRUE
#> CTD Summary
#> -----------
#> * File:                "/Users/kelley/git/oce/create_data/ctd/ctd.cnv"
#> * Start time:          2003-10-15 15:38:38
#> * Cruise:              Halifax Harbour
#> * Vessel:              Divcom3
#> * Station:             Stn 2
#> * Mean Location:       44.684N 63.644W
#> * Data Overview
#>                                 Min.   Mean   Max. Dim. NAs OriginalName
#>     scan                         130    220    310  181   0         scan
#>     timeS [s]                    129    219    309  181   0        timeS
#>     pressure [dbar]             1.48 22.885 44.141  181   0         PRES
#>     depth [m]                  1.468 22.698 43.778  181   0         depS
#>     temperature [°C, IPTS-68] 2.9183 7.5045 14.233  181   0         TEMP
#>     salinity [PSS-78]         29.916 31.219 31.498  181   0         PSAL
#>     flag                           0      0      0  181   0         flag
#> * Processing Log
#>     - 2024-02-22 00:13:51 UTC: `create 'ctd' object`
#>     - 2024-02-22 00:13:51 UTC: `as.ctd(salinity = ncdf2oce(ncfile))`

# example 2: a ctd file with per-variable QC flags
data(section, package = "oce")
stn <- section[["station", 100]]
# Use a temporary nc file to let package pass CRAN checks.
ncfile <- tempfile(pattern = "ctd", fileext = ".nc")
oce2ncdf(stn, ncfile = ncfile)
#> Converting temperature from IPTS-68 scale to ITS-90 scale.
STN <- as.ctd(ncdf2oce(ncfile))
#> [1] TRUE
#> CTD Summary
#> -----------
#> * Start time:          1993-10-22 03:10:00
#> * Station:             109
#> * Mean Location:       36.323N 69.376W
#> * Water depth:         4499
#> * Data Overview
#>                                 Min.   Mean   Max. Dim. NAs OriginalName
#>     pressure [dbar]             11.4 2182.5 4398.3   24   0         PRES
#>     temperature [°C, IPTS-68] 2.2228 7.3822 23.548   24   0         TEMP
#>     salinity [PSS-78]         34.883 35.315 36.692   24   0         PSAL
#>     salinityBottle [PSS-78]   34.889 35.315 36.702   24   0       SALNTY
#>     DOXY                       144.9 246.91  282.1   24   0            -
#>     silicate [μmol/kg]          1.71 16.853  36.52   24   0       SILCAT
#>     nitrite [μmol/kg]              0  0.022   0.08   24  19       NITRIT
#>     NO2+NO3 [μmol/kg]              0 14.619  23.73   24   0      NO2+NO3
#>     phosphate [μmol/kg]            0 0.8925   1.39   24   0       PHSPHT
#> * Data-quality Flag Scheme
#>     name    "WHP bottle"
#>     mapping list(no_information=1L, no_problems_noted=2L, leaking=3L, did_not_trip=4L, not_reported=5L, discrepency=6L, unknown_problem=7L, did_not_trip.1=8L, no_sample=9L)
#>     default c(1L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L)
#> * Data-quality Flags
#>     salinity:       "2" 22, "3" 2
#>     salinityBottle: "2" 24
#>     oxygen:         "2" 24
#>     silicate:       "2" 24
#>     nitrite:        "2" 5, "5" 19
#>     NO2+NO3:        "2" 24
#>     phosphate:      "2" 24
#>     DOXY:           "2" 24
#> * Processing Log
#>     - 2024-02-22 00:13:52 UTC: `create 'ctd' object`
#>     - 2024-02-22 00:13:52 UTC: `as.ctd(salinity = ncdf2oce(ncfile))`