>> type filtfilt

function y = filtfilt(b,a,x)
%FILTFILT Zero-phase forward and reverse digital IIR filtering.
%   Y = FILTFILT(B, A, X) filters the data in vector X with the filter
%   described by vectors A and B to create the filtered data Y.  The
%   filter is described by the difference equation:
%     a(1)*y(n) = b(1)*x(n) + b(2)*x(n-1) + ... + b(nb+1)*x(n-nb)
%                           - a(2)*y(n-1) - ... - a(na+1)*y(n-na)
%   The length of the input X must be more than three times
%   the filter order, defined as max(length(B)-1,length(A)-1). 
%   Y = FILTFILT(SOS, G, X) filters the data in vector X with the
%   second-order section (SOS) filter described by the matrix SOS and the
%   vector G.  The coefficients of the SOS matrix must be expressed using
%   an Lx6 matrix where L is the number of second-order sections. The scale
%   values of the filter must be expressed using the vector G. The length
%   of G must be between 1 and L+1 and the length of input X must be more
%   than 6 samples. The SOS matrix should have the following form:
%   SOS = [ b01 b11 b21 a01 a11 a21
%           b02 b12 b22 a02 a12 a22
%           ...
%           b0L b1L b2L a0L a1L a2L ]
%   After filtering in the forward direction, the filtered sequence is then
%   reversed and run back through the filter; Y is the time reverse of the
%   output of the second filtering operation.  The result has precisely
%   zero phase distortion, and magnitude modified by the square of the
%   filter's magnitude response.  Startup and ending transients are
%   minimized by matching initial conditions.
%   Note that FILTFILT should not be used when the intent of a filter is
%   to modify signal phase, such as differentiators and Hilbert filters.
%   See also FILTER, SOSFILT.

%   References:
%     [1] Sanjit K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing, 2nd ed.,
%         McGraw-Hill, 2001
%     [2] Fredrik Gustafsson, Determining the initial states in forward-
%         backward filtering, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
%         pp. 988-992, April 1996, Volume 44, Issue 4

%   Copyright 1988-2011 The MathWorks, Inc.
%   $Revision: $  $Date: 2011/11/17 21:22:18 $


% Only double precision is supported
if ~isa(b,'double') || ~isa(a,'double') || ~isa(x,'double')
if isempty(b) || isempty(a) || isempty(x)
    y = [];

% If input data is a row vector, convert it to a column
isRowVec = size(x,1)==1;
if isRowVec
    x = x(:);
[Npts,Nchans] = size(x);

% Parse SOS matrix or coefficients vectors and determine initial conditions
[b,a,zi,nfact,L] = getCoeffsAndInitialConditions(b,a,Npts);

% Filter the data
if Nchans==1
    if Npts<10000
        y = ffOneChanCat(b,a,x,zi,nfact,L);
        y = ffOneChan(b,a,x,zi,nfact,L);
    y = ffMultiChan(b,a,x,zi,nfact,L);

if isRowVec
    y = y.';   % convert back to row if necessary

function [b,a,zi,nfact,L] = getCoeffsAndInitialConditions(b,a,Npts)

[L, ncols] = size(b);
na = numel(a);

% Rules for the first two inputs to represent an SOS filter:
% b is an Lx6 matrix with L>1 or,
% b is a 1x6 vector, its 4th element is equal to 1 and a has less than 2
% elements. 
if ncols==6 && L==1 && na<=2,
    if b(4)==1,
        warning(message('signal:filtfilt:ParseSOS', 'SOS', 'G'));
        warning(message('signal:filtfilt:ParseB', 'a01', 'SOS'));
issos = ncols==6 && (L>1 || (b(4)==1 && na<=2));
if issos,
    % b is an SOS matrix, a is a vector of scale values
    g = a(:);
    ng = na;
    if ng>L+1,
        error(message('signal:filtfilt:InvalidDimensionsScaleValues', L + 1));
    elseif ng==L+1,
        % Include last scale value in the numerator part of the SOS Matrix
        b(L,1:3) = g(L+1)*b(L,1:3);
        ng = ng-1;
    for ii=1:ng,
        % Include scale values in the numerator part of the SOS Matrix
        b(ii,1:3) = g(ii)*b(ii,1:3);
    a = b(:,4:6).';
    b = b(:,1:3).';
    nfact = 6;  % length of edge transients for each biquad
    if Npts <= nfact      % input data too short
    % Compute initial conditions to remove DC offset at beginning and end of
    % filtered sequence.  Use sparse matrix to solve linear system for initial
    % conditions zi, which is the vector of states for the filter b(z)/a(z) in
    % the state-space formulation of the filter.
    zi = zeros(2,L);
    for ii=1:L,
        rhs  = (b(2:3,ii) - b(1,ii)*a(2:3,ii));
        zi(:,ii) = ( eye(2) - [-a(2:3,ii),[1;0]] ) \ rhs;
    % b and a are vectors that define the transfer function of the filter
    L = 1;
    % Check coefficients
    b = b(:);
    a = a(:);
    nb = numel(b);
    nfilt = max(nb,na);
    nfact = 3*(nfilt-1);  % length of edge transients
    if Npts <= nfact      % input data too short
    % Zero pad shorter coefficient vector as needed
    if nb < nfilt
    elseif na < nfilt
    % Compute initial conditions to remove DC offset at beginning and end of
    % filtered sequence.  Use sparse matrix to solve linear system for initial
    % conditions zi, which is the vector of states for the filter b(z)/a(z) in
    % the state-space formulation of the filter.
    if nfilt>1
        rows = [1:nfilt-1, 2:nfilt-1, 1:nfilt-2];
        cols = [ones(1,nfilt-1), 2:nfilt-1, 2:nfilt-1];
        vals = [1+a(2), a(3:nfilt).', ones(1,nfilt-2), -ones(1,nfilt-2)];
        rhs  = b(2:nfilt) - b(1)*a(2:nfilt);
        zi   = sparse(rows,cols,vals) \ rhs;
        % The non-sparse solution to zi may be computed using:
        %      zi = ( eye(nfilt-1) - [-a(2:nfilt), [eye(nfilt-2); ...
        %                                           zeros(1,nfilt-2)]] ) \ ...
        %          ( b(2:nfilt) - b(1)*a(2:nfilt) );
        zi = zeros(0,1);
function y = ffOneChanCat(b,a,y,zi,nfact,L)

for ii=1:L
    % Single channel, data explicitly concatenated into one vector
    y = [2*y(1)-y(nfact+1:-1:2); y; 2*y(end)-y(end-1:-1:end-nfact)]; %#ok
    % filter, reverse data, filter again, and reverse data again
    y = filter(b(:,ii),a(:,ii),y,zi(:,ii)*y(1));
    y = y(end:-1:1);
    y = filter(b(:,ii),a(:,ii),y,zi(:,ii)*y(1));
    % retain reversed central section of y
    y = y(end-nfact:-1:nfact+1);

function y = ffOneChan(b,a,xc,zi,nfact,L)
% Perform filtering of input data with no phase distortion
% xc: one column of input data
% yc: one column of output, same dimensions as xc
% a,b: IIR coefficients, both of same order/length
% zi: initial states
% nfact: scalar
% L: scalar

% Extrapolate beginning and end of data sequence using reflection.
% Slopes of original and extrapolated sequences match at end points,
% reducing transients.
% yc is length numel(x)+2*nfact
% We wish to filter the appended sequence:
% yc = [2*xc(1)-xc(nfact+1:-1:2); xc; 2*xc(end)-xc(end-1:-1:end-nfact)];
% We would use the following code:
% Filter the input forwards then again in the backwards direction
%   yc = filter(b,a,yc,zi*yc(1));
%   yc = yc(length(yc):-1:1); % reverse the sequence
% Instead of reallocating and copying, just do filtering in pieces
% Filter the first part, then xc, then the last part
% Retain each piece, feeding final states as next initial states
% Output is yc = [yc1 yc2 yc3]
% yc2 can be long (matching user input length)
% yc3 is short (nfilt samples)
for ii=1:L
    xt = -xc(nfact+1:-1:2) + 2*xc(1);
    [~,zo] = filter(b(:,ii),a(:,ii), xt, zi(:,ii)*xt(1)); % yc1 not needed
    [yc2,zo] = filter(b(:,ii),a(:,ii), xc, zo);
    xt = -xc(end-1:-1:end-nfact) + 2*xc(end);
    yc3 = filter(b(:,ii),a(:,ii), xt, zo);
    % Reverse the sequence
    %   yc = [flipud(yc3) flipud(yc2) flipud(yc1)]
    % which we can do as
    %   yc = [yc3(end:-1:1); yc2(end:-1:1); yc1(end:-1:1)];
    % But we don't do that explicitly.  Instead, we wish to filter this
    % reversed result as in:
    %   yc = filter(b,a,yc,zi*yc(1));
    % where yc(1) is now the last sample of the (unreversed) yc3
    % Once again, we do this in pieces:
    [~,zo] = filter(b(:,ii),a(:,ii), yc3(end:-1:1), zi(:,ii)*yc3(end));
    yc5 = filter(b(:,ii),a(:,ii), yc2(end:-1:1), zo);
    % Conceptually restore the sequence by reversing the last pieces
    %    yc = yc(length(yc):-1:1); % restore the sequence
    % which is done by
    %    yc = [yc6(end:-1:1); yc5(end:-1:1); yc4(end:-1:1)];
    % However, we only need to retain the reversed central samples of filtered
    % output for the final result:
    %    y = yc(nfact+1:end-nfact);
    % which is the reversed yc5 piece only.
    % This means we don't need yc4 or yc6.  We need to compute yc4 only because
    % the final states are needed for yc5 computation.  However, we can omit
    % yc6 entirely in the above filtering step.
    xc = yc5(end:-1:1);
y = xc;

function y = ffMultiChan(b,a,xc,zi,nfact,L)
% Perform filtering of input data with no phase distortion
% xc: matrix of input data
% yc: matrix of output data, same dimensions as xc
% a,b: IIR coefficients, both of same order/length
% zi: initial states
% nfact: scalar
% L: scalar

% Same comments as in ffOneChan, except here we need to use bsxfun.
% Instead of doing scalar subtraction with a vector, we are doing
% vector addition with a matrix.  bsxfun replicates the vector
% for us.
% We also take care to preserve column dimensions
sz = size(xc);
xc = reshape(xc,sz(1),[]);%converting N-D matrix to 2-D.

for ii=1:L
    xt = bsxfun(@minus, 2*xc(1,:), xc(nfact+1:-1:2,:));
    [~,zo] = filter(b(:,ii),a(:,ii),xt,zi(:,ii)*xt(1,:)); % outer product
    [yc2,zo] = filter(b(:,ii),a(:,ii),xc,zo);
    xt = bsxfun(@minus, 2*xc(end,:), xc(end-1:-1:end-nfact,:));
    yc3 = filter(b(:,ii),a(:,ii),xt,zo);
    [~,zo] = filter(b(:,ii),a(:,ii),yc3(end:-1:1,:),zi(:,ii)*yc3(end,:)); % outer product
    yc5 = filter(b(:,ii),a(:,ii),yc2(end:-1:1,:), zo);
    xc = yc5(end:-1:1,:);
y = xc;
y = reshape(y,sz);% To match the input size.